Beat the coronacrisis with imago confectionery plotter – investment refunds

n the era of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic we have come up with a solution to the difficulties of today’s market. Read the article below and find out how you can grow your business during the crisis.
The use of direct printing in confectionery
Printing in the confectionery industry is commonly associated with sugar paper and fairytale cakes for children. Nothing could be further from the truth! First of all, confectionery plotters allow direct printing on the surface of the cake covered with any confectionery substrate. Moreover, creating unique, printed figurines from sugar paste or isomalt, decorated macarons or chocolates is a perfect complement to sweet personalized gifts and a possibility of marking business products.
Confectionery plotter as a partner in business
Confectionery plotters are ideal tools for developing confectionery business. In our projects we focus primarily on quality and economy. Our devices are designed to serve our clients for many years. As a Polish company we provide comprehensive service, equipment servicing and advice on confectionery substrates and the use of printing in the confectionery industry. Working with our printing plotter accelerates the time of production and decoration of products and increases their value because it allows you to introduce a new, unique product to the market.
Refund of costs of equipment or additional equipment of workplaces
Nowadays it is hard to think about investments. Therefore, we meet our customers suggesting solutions to the difficulties of today’s market. Refund of costs of equipment or additional equipment for workplaces is a form of assistance offered by District Labour Offices. An entrepreneur can apply for financing the costs of creating a new job position or adjusting an existing one and employing an unemployed person in this place. In order to receive a refund, an application must be filed with the Poviat Labour Office appropriate to the registered office of the company. Thanks to the grant, the investment expenses will not deplete your own financial resources, but will give you the opportunity to develop your business during the pandemic.
Why does it pay off?
Creating printed cakes is commonly used in cake shops. However, it comes with many steps that make the process of confectionery production difficult. The introduction of direct printing technology on plotters shortens this process to the minimum necessary steps. This increases the speed of decorating cakes and improves their quality. In addition, printing on our equipment is cheaper, and operation is intuitive – there is no need to hire a professional operator. The use of such technology is also an approach towards consumers, who more and more often ask for such decorations. All this generates great savings and contributes to the increase of confectionery production, as well as sales and increase of company profits.