Colourful decoration of chocolate using food printing

Author's post Dariusz Żebrowski
Date of addition

Chocolate is a product loved by everyone. It is bought for gifts, for coffee as well as to improve mood. Its popularity should not surprise anyone because chocolate causes the secretion of endorphins which improve mood and soothe pain. This property of chocolate has proved its worth in the current crisis, as evidenced by the increase in production of these products in the three quarters of 2020 by 1.9% compared to the calm year of 2019. It is also worth mentioning that Poland is the largest chocolate market in Central and Eastern Europe, with a value of as much as 7.2 billion PLN. Colourful decoration of chocolate can allow you to stand out from the competition with a new, interesting product and interest consumers with a unique personalisation offer. 

Colors depending on chocolate type

Imago confectionery plotters use edible inks in four colors – CMYK (blue, pink, yellow, black). The colors are superimposed on each other and on the printed surface. This causes the effect of mixing colors and thus changing the color of the resulting image. To understand this process it is useful to refer to ordinary office printers that also have the CMYK four-colour system. It is easy to imagine that the printout on a white sheet of paper is a perfect copy of the image from the computer. On the other hand, the darker the paper, the darker and less visible are the colors. For example, white chocolate is slightly yellow. Printing a blue shade will actually produce a green color, which results from the mixing of colors. Additionally, it is worth mentioning that the food dyes used are transparent, which makes the base color shine through the ink, changing the visible color. Therefore, the colors of prints may vary depending on the color of the base and thus the type of chocolate.

What are profiles and how do they affect chocolate printouts

Pralines as an idea for a personalized gift

Pralines are an ideal idea for using printing on chocolate. It allows us to create unique gift sets tailored to a specific customer. The boxes of chocolates can contain both inscriptions and customized photos. At the same time, preparation of such a gift is quick and easy. Additionally, the production process may be accelerated by the use of dies adjusted to a specific shape of chocolates.

Unique chocolate bars with imprints

Bars of chocolate with personalized imprint are an ideal idea not only for gifts. Such products could depict e.g.: a city panorama and serve as sweet souvenirs from vacations. At the same time products with a simple “sorry” inscription could become a new trend on the chocolate market. Because who doesn’t buy chocolate in such situations?  Additionally, you can create commemorative bars for Christmas, Easter, Birthday, or Valentine’s Day. There are many possibilities and an interesting new product will surely surprise consumers.

Chocolate cake

Cakes and cakes covered with chocolate frosting can also be decorated with print. Cake cubes are perfect for Christmas or Easter table, and a chocolate cake with a fairy tale character will undoubtedly please the youngest. Such cakes are also suitable for business events in the form of elegant monoporations with company logo or charity action slogan.

Printing on dark chocolate

Dessert chocolate can be compared to a dark brown or black sheet of paper. The colored print is hardly visible, and certainly does not show the picture we wanted. This problem is due to the lack of white dye. As a result, the machine is unable to apply a light primer before the colors are applied. Is it therefore possible to print on dark chocolate?

We have a way! Can you guess what?


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